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also referred to as gender harm, occurs where people do not conform to certain forms of gender expectations, violence, abuse and discrimination may be employed to force conformity, to punish, or to affirm dominance and control. These forms may include the physical, sexual, emotional and psychological, as well as the social and the economic.

Staff or student portal web page ,under Policies, click on the The Institutional Regulatory Code (IRC)  - Policies, procedures and rules tab and click on 700 ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION AND EQUITY dropdown box and click on 701.08  Sexual Harassment and Sexual Offences Policy

One can report at the Transformation Office via online reporting system (found on the Portal) or E-mail :

GBV Case Co-ordinator: / 078 548 9708
GBV Counsellor: / 062 290 5578

Externally to: South African Police Services, Thuthuzela Care Centre , Hospital , Community Agency

For after hours emergencies contact

Provincial Hospital Casualty Department: 041 392 3911

Greenacres Hospital Casualty Department: 041 390 7000

Livingstone Hospital: 041 405 9111

Suicide Emergency Line: 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393 for a call back Life Line (24/7 counselling): 0861 322 322

Ambulance: 10177 or Police: 10111

Higher Health 24 hour Tollfree Mental Health Helpline 0800 36 36 36 or
SMS 43336
Substance Abuse 0800 12 13 14 or SMS 32312
Cipla 24hr Mental Health Helpline 0800 456 789
Gender-based Violence Support 0800 428 428 or SMS for call back
Life Line: 0861 322 322 (Counselling available 24/7) or
For staff members
Individual counselling available via Zoom or Face to Face at the
discretion of the counsellor.
Telephonic Support and counselling (Psychosocial, Legal, Health and
Contact the Care Centre at 0800 205 333 or email:

Yes,it is rape when your boyfriend or anyone forces you to have sex against your will without consent-also refer to 701.08  Sexual Harassment and Sexual Offences Policy

Intimate Partner Violence refer to harm (physical, sexual, psychological) by a current or former intimate partner or spouse.

Yes - The Transformation Office together with all relevant units will coordinate a comprehensive support response to complaints of sexual harassment and sexual offences, respectively. This will include the provision of supportive and protective measures to the complainant, regardless of whether disciplinary proceedings are instituted.

Report the incident immediately (internally or externally)

  • Do not clean yourself
  • Do not change your clothes
  • Do not eat or drink anything
  • Get help (x2009/10111)
  • Get support (medical, counselling, etc)

Protective measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • No-contact orders, where appropriate;
  • Change of University student residence, where appropriate and practically possible;
  • Change of academic classes and academic concessions, where appropriate and
  • Special leave (employees) or leave of absence (students), where appropriate.
  • Where the complainant is unwilling to participate in the process, the complainant may be called before the disciplinary panel to provide reasons why s/he is unwilling to participate in the formal disciplinary hearing against the alleged perpetrator
  • The disciplinary panel will need to deliberate on the evidence available to determine whether the matter can continue without the active participation of the complainant.
  • Where the formal disciplinary process can continue, the head of LSO and/or ERO should apply to the Registrar and ED HR, respectively for a deviation from the normal disciplinary process
  • Should the panel determine that the formal disciplinary process cannot continue, such a decision will need to be reflected in the chairperson’s report for record purposes.

In the event of an anonymous complaint being lodged, such complaint shall nevertheless be investigated to the extent possible in terms hereof.

Anything one thinks is of importance and might work in their favour to bring justice and not be of malicious intent eg; calling of witnesses, electronics (Images, written words, videos, sound clips,WhatsApp voice notes, CCTV footage etc.)..

Visit the Transformation Office Website, Amanda Memeza facebook page and 701.08  Sexual Harassment and Sexual Offences Policy

One can report at the Transformation Office via online reporting system (found on the Portal) or E-mail

Protective measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • No-contact orders, where appropriate;
  • Change of University student residence, where appropriate and practically possible;
  • Change of academic classes and academic concessions, where appropriate and
  • Special leave (employees) or leave of absence (students), where appropriate.
  • Where the complainant is unwilling to participate in the process, the complainant may be called before the inquiry panel to provide reasons why there is unwilling to participate in the formal disciplinary hearing against the alleged perpetrator.
  • The disciplinary panel will need to deliberate on the evidence available to determine whether the matter can continue without the active participation of the complainant.
  • Where the formal disciplinary process can continue, the head of LSO and/or ERO should apply to the Registrar and ED HR, respectively for a deviation from the normal disciplinary process
  • Should the panel determine that the formal disciplinary process cannot continue, such a decision will need to be reflected in the chairperson’s report for record purposes.

In the event of an anonymous complaint being lodged, such complaint shall nevertheless be investigated to the extent possible in terms hereof.

Anything one thinks is of importance and might work in their favour to bring justice and not be of malicious intent eg; calling of witnesses, electronics (Images, written words, videos, sound clips,WhatsApp voice notes, CCTV footage etc.)..

Staff or student portal web page ,under Policies, click on The Institutional Regulatory Code (IRC)  - Policies, procedures and rules tab and click on 700 ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION AND EQUITY dropdown box and click on 701.10  Promotion of Equality and the Prevention and Protection against Unfair Discrimination