One can report at the Transformation Office via online reporting system (found on the Portal) or E-mail :
Externally to: South African Police Services, Thuthuzela Care Centre , Hospital , Community Agency
For after hours emergencies contact
Provincial Hospital Casualty Department: 041 392 3911
Greenacres Hospital Casualty Department: 041 390 7000
Livingstone Hospital: 041 405 9111
Suicide Emergency Line: 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393 for a call back Life Line (24/7 counselling): 0861 322 322
Ambulance: 10177 or Police: 10111
Higher Health 24 hour Tollfree Mental Health Helpline 0800 36 36 36 or
SMS 43336
Substance Abuse 0800 12 13 14 or SMS 32312
Cipla 24hr Mental Health Helpline 0800 456 789
Gender-based Violence Support 0800 428 428 or SMS for call back
For staff members
Individual counselling available via Zoom or Face to Face at the
discretion of the counsellor.
Telephonic Support and counselling (Psychosocial, Legal, Health and